This report provides Pubstack users with an overview of potential configuration issues with Prebid bidders at website and adunit level.
It displays the impacted inventory, with, for each element (each combination of Website x AdUnit x Bidder ), bid requests with no bid responses at all during the timeline of the report.
By default, the timeline selected for this report is "Yesterday".
Depending on how you want to check your SSPs prebid configuration, two breakdowns are available, per Websites and per Bidders.
This is particularly useful for
quickly finding which SSPs, ad units or even sites may not be connected properly and should
either be optimised or removed.
If the report is empty, it means there are no issues with Bidders not responding
Next step
- You can verify that the setup is well done in your prebid configuration
- You can contact your SSP account manager to get an explanation of the no bid responses (placement ID misconfigured…)
- You can identify the deactivation of an adunit on a website
- You can isolate an ads.txt or blacklisting issue