Ad Units


An Ad unit item describes the required information to create and manage the inventory to be monetized. Ad units are defined at company level and by device type and can be called by all sites.


Click on the Ad Units tab in the Ad stack menu. 

Create/Edit New Ad Unit

If there is no Ad unit created yet, this screen is displayed.


Click on the Add ad unit button to access the following screen to create a new ad unit.


You will then be able to fill in all the required information to define your ad unit:


Fill the fields to identify the ad unit.

Name: Pubstack ad unit name. Cannot be edited later.

Ad server Ad unit Name: Ad unit identification in the Ad server, which can be the Ad Unit Path.

Technical identification: Name of the Div ID container to be served in HTML tag.


Select the devices where the Ad unit will be served. As of today, only Desktop and Mobile support is available.


Fill at least one of the size field to add one or more sizes to the ad unit, and press enter/space to validate it. The format “number”x”number” must be respected.

Example: 300x250, 728x90...

Standard sizes:

Standard size is used to call header bidding and Ad server solutions.

Custom sizes:

Custom sizes are dedicated to the ad server to give you the opportunity to deliver your custom ad format. They are added to the “Standard sizes” when the ad server ad request is sent.


Toggle to send fluid size for native format rendering by GAM.

Optional parameters

BehaviorSettingsDemand source

By default Header bidding is active, enabling the ad unit’s call to first pass through header bidding solutions. Only Prebid is supported for the moment.

You can disable header bidding demand source by clicking on the toggle.

If header bidding is not enabled on the stacks within which the ad unit is used, then it will not be used, even if the ad unit has header bidding enabled.
You can activate header bidding demand source after creation but once it is enabled and saved, it cannot be removed on that ad unit.

Behavior settings

You can enable/disable each behavior settings for the ad unit with a toggle.

Outstream: The ad unit can be used to display video ads.

Lazy loading: Enables lazy loading solution for the ad unit. Which allows the initiation of delayed Ad calls respecting some conditions for visibility defined by lazy loading rules.

Dynamic: Enables Dynamic solution for the Ad unit. This allows the duplication of the Ad unit on the layout when scrolling the screen.


You can add some key values to be sent to the Ad server.

Click on Add key-value and fill Key label and Values label to assign one or more values, with a maximum of 10 values per key.


You can delete a key-value by clicking on the bin button and delete a specific value by clicking on the X mark next to it.


Once all the mandatory fields are filled, you can validate the creation with the button on the bottom right, and the ad unit will be displayed on the list.


From this screen, you can:

    • Add a new ad unit by clicking on the button
    • Edit an existing ad unit by clicking on pen button on the right
    • Search an ad unit by filling out the text field on the top left

Using one ad unit on several sites

One ad unit can be used for one or several sites as long as the technical ID (or div ID) is the same on each site.

If you need an ad unit to have a specific behavior for one context or site, we recommend to create a new one, which can have the same technical ID as another ad unit.

Ad unit order client-side

I) AdUnits order without roadblock
At Pubstack, if you do not have any roadblock set, we will follow the div_id's DOM order to trigger the adUnits.

Warning : Pubstack first define adUnits and then will re-order it based on what is described above. As a result, if you check Google console or Professor Prebid extension, the order is the one declared BUT NOT the order of adUnits sent.

If you want to check the right order, you can use the following command line or check within the GAM call the prev_scp payload to check the order.

pbjs.getEvents().filter(e => e.eventType == 'auctionInit').map(e => e.args.adUnits)


II) AdUnits order with roadblock
When setting roadblock at stack level, we will first call the "master" adUnit defined and then add within this same call the other adUnits declared in the roadblock. This is a SRA call.
Then, we will trigger each adUnits one by one depending on your lazyloading rule


An ad unit created in Pubstack will not be used until it is mapped with bidders through the integrations.

Updates to your Ad units will not be deployed automatically.

You will need to Deployment the changes for them to be applied.