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  2. How to contact Support ?

Best practices to contact our Publisher Care team

This guide explains the proper steps for contacting our help desk team and outlines what to expect when you contact them for support.

When should you contact the help desk?

Our help desk is here to help with:

  • Technical issues: Troubleshooting software bugs, errors, or performance issues.
  • Platform guidance: Assistance with using specific features, integrations, or workflows.
  • Account or billing questions: Queries about your account settings, usage, or billing details.
  • Feature requests: Suggestions for product improvements.

💡 Tip: For general questions, check out our knowledge base here —you might find the answer there even faster!


How to Contact Us?

📧 Submit a Support Ticket – helpdesk@pubstack.io

The best way to get help is by emailing our support team. This ensures your request is properly tracked, prioritized, and resolved as quickly as possible.

📝 What to include in your ticket

  • A clear and concise description of the issue.
  • Any relevant screenshots, error messages, or logs.
  • Steps to reproduce the issue, if possible (including the URL and/or device).
  • The impact on your operations (e.g., minor inconvenience vs critical disruption).
  • What you expected to happen versus what actually happened.

🔹 The more details you provide, the faster we can find a solution!


What Happens Next?

  1. Acknowledgment – You’ll receive confirmation that we’ve received your request.
  2. Investigation – Our team will analyze the issue and may ask for more details if needed.
  3. Resolution – We’ll provide a solution or next steps as quickly as possible.

🚀 Our goal is to get you back on track with minimal disruption!

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help!

The Pubstack Support Team