GAM setup with Ad Management

GAM setup with key values


Pubstack uses a prefix to name key values in order to make them easier to understand. The following prefixes are used:

  • The ad_ prefix to describe ad unit properties
  • The bid_prefix to describe header bidding opportunities
  • The xp_ prefix to describe all A/B test properties

Pubstack creates the key values listed below. Since Google has limitations on the number of custom dimensions and values, Pubstack creates key values as "reportable". To use a specific key values as a custom dimension, the publisher must manually convert it with the assistance of a Pubstack account manager.

Key-Values Expression Value examples Type of KV
adm true if the ad request is managed by Pubstack, use for the reporting and billing ‘true’ reportable
ad_index the rank of the ad unit when the ad unit is present several on a page 1,2,3 … 50 reportable
ad_refresh true if the ad request is not the 1st request, the key not present otherwise ‘true’ custom dim
ad_refresh-rank 1 means the second auction for the slot and so on, the key is not present on the 1st auction   reportable
ad_floor-rule key uses for enabling a specific UPR, the value is computed dynamically by Pubstack ‘0.20’, ‘5.00’, … reportable
ad_safeframe (beta) true means the Prebid bid will be served a safeframe, the key not present otherwise ‘true’ off
ad_adunitname (optional) name of the ad unit name when we need to use it   custom dim
bid_nobid true if no Prebid bid, use for debugging purpose, not present otherwise ‘true’ reportable
bid_mediatype mediatype of the Prebid bid (alias of hb_format) ‘banner’, ‘outstream’, ‘native’ reportable
bid_cpm Prebid winning bid CPM, (alias of hb_pb) ‘0.20’, ‘0.15’, ‘3.10’, … reportable
bid_bidder Prebid bidder name (alias of hb_bidder) ‘appnexus’, ‘improve’ reportable
bid_id Prebid creative and bid Id (alias of hb_adid) ‘ad35e76’, ‘7e5413i’, … off
bid_size Prebid creative size (alias of hb_size)   reportable
xp_variant (beta) name of the variant for a specific ab test (source from the related meta)   custom dim


We choose to add a targeting: “ad_index” with a value of all the numbers found in the suffix of the divId. For example for a dyninfeed-1 we send 1 for dyninfeed_13 we send 13.

If no value is set for instance "dyninfeed", ad_index=""

Ex : css:[id^="nfb_2"], [id^="dfp_nfb_2"] as "dynamic adunit"
If div id = dfp_nfb_3 it will not be targeted. However, it will target adunits starting with nfb_2 & dfp_nfb_2  . Will also work for dfp_nfb_23