
Metrics and dimensions definitions

Table of contents:


Pubstack provides a wide variety of dimensions. You will find below a definition of each dimension available in the platform:

Dimension name Definition Explanation Example
Bidders Name of SSP The name of the SSP as it appears in the bids of your adUnits. If you gave your SSP an alias, that is the name that will be displayed. Criteo; Appnexus; Rubicon
Ad units Inventory Placement The Prebid adUnit code. This can be overridden by using leaderboardTop
Devices User Device Type The user's device as determined by the User Agent Desktop
Countries User's country The user's country as determined by the IP Netherlands
Sizes Creative Size The creative size requested / delivered. If the Prebid mediaType is not banner, the value will be "native" or "video-[player_size]" 300x250; video-300x250
Pubstack Refresh Refresh auction or not Indicates the nature of the auction (refresh or first auction). Only available to Pubstack refresh users. true / false


Adx + Prebid Header Bidding configuration metrics

Pubstack provides a wide variety of metrics You will find below a definition of each metric available in the platform:

Metric name Definition
Revenue Sum of all revenue
Auctions Number of ad calls
Impressions Number of impressions
RPM Average revenue per thousand auctions,
(Sum of all revenue / Number of auctions) * 1000
Fill rate Number of impressions divided by number of auctions
Number of impressions / Number of auctions
eCPM Average revenue per thousand impressions
(Sum of all revenue / Number of impressions) * 1000
Bid rate Total number of bid responses coming from a bidder / total number of bid requests sent to the bidder
Win rate Total number of winning bids coming from the bidder / total number of bid responses
Timeout rate Percentage of ad auctions for which a bidder didn't provide a bid within the time specified in your Prebid.js timeout settings
Bid RPM (BPM) Average revenue per thousand Bid Requests
Bid CPM Average cost per thousand Bids
Win CPM Average winning CPM within the Prebid Header Bidding auctions (apply to a specific bidder)
Prebid eCPM Average CPM of Impressions served in Header Bidding after competition with the ad server
Adx eCPM Average CPM of Impressions served by Adx
Prebid Density Average number of bid responses per auction
Prebid Winning Bids Sum of Prebid winning bids before competition with the ad server
Imps measurable Impressions that were measurable by Active View for adX and by our internal tool for Prebid
Imps viewable Viewable impressions based on MRC standard
Time in view In-view timer based on MRC standard
Auction duration Auction duration
Bidder Response time Response time from a bidder
Number of pages Number of pages. This uses our user session tag
Number of sessions Number of session measured by our user session tag
Core web vital value All Core Web Vitals measured by our user session tag


Pubstack terms

Pubstack sometimes uses its own vocabulary for its Ad Management solution. To make sure you are not lost on our platform, we provide below is a definition of all terms used on the solution:

Term name Definition
Ad unit

An ad unit is a container where an ad will be displayed on a site.

It has several settings such as allowed sizes, header bidding activation, fluid activation, and allowed behaviors such as lazy loading, and dynamism.


A set of conditions used to configure the right advertising stack to be run to the right user on the right page.

With contexts, you can define different scenarios according to what fits the ad strategy of the company.

A context is defined by one or several context keys.

For example, the homepage and the rest of the site can be defined by distinct contexts, which allows you to have different ad units and/or rules for these pages.

Context keys

A context key is a meta tag set in Pubstack’s interface and within each page of the site.

There are two main use cases:

1- Allow Pubstack to recreate dynamically the ad unit path for each site based on the architecture

2- Define contexts that will be used to create stacks.

Key values Customizable parameters that you can use for different purposes. They can be used for targeting needs like identifying pages on a website or specifying parts of a page. They can also be used for reporting or target specific audience based on visitor’s information (socio-demographic data).
Ad server ad unit name

Ad unit name as displayed in the ad server\.

This is the name used in the Analytic dashboards.

Div ID (technical identification) The actual ad unit in the code source of the site.
Ad unit path

The branch of the tree of ads on which your ad unit is placed.

eg: SiteName / PageType / Subscriber / AdServerAdUnitName


A stack is composed of the technical partners, ad units & settings necessary to run the appropriate monetization of a website.

Within a stack, you can choose all the monetization partners you wish to integrate into no-code, select the ad units that will be displayed on your website, and customize your preferences in terms of lazy loading, floor pricing rules, and soon refresh rules.

A stack is always related to a single site.

Out of sync

A stack will become “Out of sync” if a component of the stack was edited externally to its configuration: it needs to be synced in order to apply the new configuration file with the appropriate parameters.

This does not apply to parameters edited within the stack configuration, as these changes would trigger a new “Ready to Deploy” stack version.

Ready to deploy

A newly created stack will be set to the status “ready to deploy”. It allows you to have full control of what is currently live on the site, and what is still working in progress.

If two versions of the same stack are available, both can be deployed at the same time in order to compare them. The percentage of A/B tests between the two versions is entirely up to you.

Only owners can deploy a stack.

Integration List of all the modules and technical partners (Ad servers, Prebid bidders, Prebid modules, ID solutions…) available within Pubstack. This catalog is constantly updated with new integrations!

Overview KPIs