Summarize Report Module
A “Reports” section is available on the left menu of the app. The Report Module is designed to provide a user-friendly and flexible interface for managing reports within Pubstack.
You can have access to a new set of data like:
- GDPR Consent: monitor GDPR consent status (Accepted/Refused/Not Available).
- Incremental Value: monitor unique incremental value from each SSP.
- Historical Data: analyze websites and bidders historical impressions and revenue.
- Price Bucket: analyze impressions and revenue distribution per price bucket.
- 0% Bid rate: list all instances where bidders never respond
- Floors report: provide an overview of existing floor prices
Like all available reports in Pubstack, you'll find explanations about the report on the ReadMe tab.
How it works?
- You have a list of predefined reports to choose from
- By default, each report has a predefined timeline but you can select a custom one.
- After clicking on “Create Report”, it will appear in the Reports tab with the status “Creation in progress”
- After a couple of seconds/minutes you’ll have to refresh the page (manually or with the dedicated “Refresh” button) until the report has the status “Created”
- You’ll then just need to click on the report to access it through a shared Google Sheet