Report stacks and AB tests directly into GAM
Creating a stack allows the publisher to track and configure their monetization strategy within prebid. The key value adm_stack was created to track it also in GAM.
This key value is set with : key=adm_stack
where X is the number version at page level .
Within Pubstack :
- To find your stack ID you need to go in “Sites & stacks” and edit the stack concerned, you will find the ID in the last part of the URL.
Within GAM
- To create the adm_stack key-value in GAM : Inventory → Key-values → New key-value
This key value must be "Predifined" with inclusion of values in reporting as seen here :
And you can then create your new values with this naming (for each stack ID and stack version X) :
You can now use this key_value to track your stacks in GAM reports