User Sessions

User Sessions

🚀 Features

Number of sessions

Total amount of unique sessions measured by Pubstack, if consent was given by the CMP.

Pubstack records a session every single time someone loads a page on your website. A session ends at midnight of after 30 minutes of inactivity.

This figure can be abnormally high if the User Session script is loaded several times per page, for example when using iframes.

Session RPM

$$ = 1000 * Revenue / Sessions $$

Impressions per session

$$ = Impressions / Sessions $$

Pageviews per session

$$ = Page views / Sessions $$

Impressions per page

$$ = Impressions / Page views $$

Data can be filtered out and broken down by Site, Device and Country.

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🏭 Implementation

Once the DPA has been signed, you only need to have your analytics tag. 

This information can be found there in the app (Site ID field):

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Note: the tagId is different for each website

💡 The script should be loaded only once per page, otherwise data will be double-counted. That includes paying attention to iframes.

Then, reach out to your Customer Success Manager to activate the feature.

👮 CMP compliance

The User Sessions feature relies on the CMP to know whether it can track specific data or not.

  • If the visitor consents to at least the purposes 1, 7 and 8: Pubstack will track sessions data. Internally, we use the field sessionTracking to define whether we are able to track or not.
  • If the visitor doesn’t consent: Pubstack doesn’t track sessions data. Only pageViews will be logged.

We also have an internal field consent that will eventually allow us to track the consent rate. It can take the following values: